Our story
Ever since my first year in college, I’ve wanted to find fun things to do with my writing. I’ve made spreadsheets of writing competitions and spent thousands of hours writing unfinished pieces. I’ve scoured the web for low-pressure outlets and opportunities for small projects, but nothing has really stuck with me. I hope that storytwigs can be such an outlet for writers everywhere, of all skill levels.
Like a book, or novel, or even a short story, a tree takes a long time to grow. Full-length works are important, but at storytwigs, we are focused on smaller pieces. Twigs. Snippets of stories—beautiful, albeit tiny. We hope that by offering consistent competitions and events that feature these manageable storytwigs, we can help encourage writers to keep writing and give them reachable goals. Whether you’re a full-time writer who just wants a fun break, or someone with a wildly busy life who can hardly find enough time to write more than a few good lines, we hope you’ll join our community and find some time to submit some storytwigs of your own.
Here is what we are NOW:
A free monthly micro-fiction competition
We supply a prompt, you supply a storytwig up to 100 words long
Cash prizes for winning entries ($100 for grand prize, $20 for winning entries, $10 for honorable mentions)
An email list with infrequent emails to remind you about each monthly competition
Here is what I hope we will become:
A community of writers with our own fully-fledged forums and events for encouraging and learning from each other
A platform for weekly competitions focused on different kinds and sizes of storytwigs (nonfiction, fiction, genre-fiction, special prompts, special prizes, etc)
A community of judges and writing professionals who share knowledge with entrants and supply feedback
A hub for casual writing groups and workshops for writers of all levels to practice & improve their skills

About me
My name is Devon Guinn, and I’m a narrative designer and beatboxer living in Brooklyn, NY. I also spend a lot of time in Boston and in my home state, Michigan. I graduated from Harvard in 2017 with a degree in Art, Film, and Visual Studies, and now I work on podcasts and interactive stories. After an internship at Gimlet Media’s Reply All podcast, I decided I wanted to work on new kinds of stories, ones that push us past traditional formats. Since then, I’ve been working on as many projects as I can get my hands on—interactive videos at eko.com, nonlinear interviews at shesatalker.com, voice-controlled adventures at volleythat.com, ai-powered conversations at aifoundation.com, and more.
I also spend a lot of time on my other passion, beatboxing. I’m the 2019 American Beatbox Loopstation Champion, and my beatboxing research has been featured in the Old World Conference on Phonology and the Linguistics Society of America’s annual meeting.